Negative Reviews Deal with Them Quickly and Effectively

Negative reviews, everyone’s got an opinion, and regrettably as a business owner some of these opinions can cause your business a great deal of trouble. Managing your online reputation is a big must-do item on your daily checklist. Forget to do it, and you might find people deserting you in droves…negative reviewsNegative reviews are a fact of online life. They are so easy to post, and can influence large segments of the target audience in your favor or not. The key is having much more of the favorable to outweigh the inescapable negative.

How to deal with a negative review

Here are three steps to proactively overcome the sporadic negative review.

  1. Make customer service a high priority – A big part of the reason companies fall into the position of having to deal with a negative online review is that frequently there’s a failure in their customer service or support. Many times customers are reaching out through various channels, including email, Facebook, Twitter or in blog comments. Frequently these are overlooked for too long, producing one mad customer, who feels like they have no solution except to vent their frustrations on an online review site. In fact, usually the entire scenario could have been avoided by paying a bit more attention to your social and internal channels.
  2. Be professional at all times – The worst thing you want to do is get in to an online shouting match with a client. This won’t work out well for you, ever! Even if you’re right, you’re completely wrong to engage in this manner, as it will scale this matter to heights you wouldn’t think possible. Make an effort to remain professional, generous, and aim to keep that customer, or at a minimum ensure you don’t lose more of them! Since this type of customer usually represents about 1% of your customer base, it’s simply not worth the trouble it causes.
  3. Encourage good reviews – One of the best ways you can actively really make a difference is by supporting and even rewarding positive reviews of your products or services. Get an ample amount of these consistently, and the occasional negative review will not stand a very good chance of remaining high in the search results. On the contrary, they will in all likelihood supply you with more customers!

Handling negative reviews isn’t brain surgery, but it does need to have diligence and professionalism. Today with the speed of communication online, you really have no other choice!

About Alan Weeks

Founder and CEO of Envision Net, Inc. He has a notable 12-year, internet marketing and operations career, in particular, developing and implementing internet marketing strategies for local businesses.

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