8 Easy and Simple Ways to Add Likes to Your Facebook Page

You’ve heard already, it’s not the measure of everything on Facebook. But being well Liked does make everything else on Facebook a lot easier and faster.

These eight pointers are things you can do in the next 20 minutes to score more Likes on an ongoing basis, and follow through with true Facebook business glory. It’s easier than you think.

Read the full article here:

8 Easy and Simple Ways to Add Likes to Your Facebook Page – Site Pro News

What is EdgeRank?

Any action that happens within Facebook is an “Edge.” You guessed it. All of those edges are ranked, and you can take steps to make sure you get the full squeeze out of everything you do on there, and rank higher and better!

Here’s the full scoop on the algorithm that gives every edge a rank. Your brand will be judged by your own ability to engage your content, and get others to engage with it, too.

Read the full article here:

What is EdgeRank? – EdgeRank Checker