14 Popular SEO Myths Examined

It’s still unbelievably hard to know what’s true and isn’t true when it comes to SEO. Some of the myths that persist are absolutely wrong and yet people continue to practice them to their own detriment.

Here’s an alphabetical list of the most popular, persistent and sometimes damaging SEO myths followed by a thorough examination of each.

Read the full article here:

14 Popular SEO Myths Examined – Site Pro News


5 Common SEO Myths Explained

As SEO comes of age as an art form and set of strategic guidelines for anyone interested in making it on the internet, a few myths seem to outlive their own usefulness.

Duplicate content won’t get you banned and repeating the same keywords endlessly won’t help you a bit. In fact, forgetting a few of these myths should make your online job a lot easier, a lot more successful and a lot more interesting for you and your audience.

Read the full article here:

5 Common SEO Myths Explained – Site Pro News