18 Minutes a Day to Social Media Time Management

Lots of people spend lots of time in social media and nearly all of them get not much of anything done. Don’t fall into that trap.

Be selective and get on with your business. Success in social media means doing fewer things better and choosing the ones that matter most. You might be surprised, but taking stock and re-strategizing the whole thing can bring your whole time investment down to just 18 minutes a day.

Read the full article here:

18 Minutes a Day to Social Media Time Management – Search Engine Watch

3 Internet Marketing Trends You Don’t Want to Miss

The interplay between search, social media and content presents and opportunity for creative and adventurous marketers to engage with an ever increasing internet audience.

To adapt to this new universe, internet marketers need to carefully watch customer needs and expectations and then create a dynamic cycle of interactivity that relies on search and social.  These three trends are not the ones to overlook.

Read the full article here:

3 Internet Marketing Trends You Don’t Want to Miss – Top Rank Online Marketing Blog