Your Website Has Just 8 Seconds

Imagine your shopping mall is a race track. The people shopping are all walking at 60mph and they’re looking for something very specific. Too bad for you, shopkeeper, cause you’ve got 8 seconds to put it in front of them.

Take what time you have, and consider walking in those rapidly moving shoes. These vital points will quickly draw you back from the sidelines and into the race.

Read the full article here:

Your Website Has Just 8 Seconds -SitePro News

Local Internet Marketing | Website Usability – Local Internet Marketing for Small Business

Optimizing the usability of your B2B sites is not the same as it is for consumer sites. In fact, it’s even more important and somewhat more complicated. Unfortunately, many B2B sites are still well behind the trend towards more upfront information and hassle-free access.

Learn from this comprehensive guide to enhancing your own B2B site’s usability and your own site will be well ahead of the pack.

Read the full article here:

Local Internet Marketing | Website Usability – Local Internet Marketing for Small Business