How to Put Your Small Business on the Web

You’ve probably heard a lot about SEO, maybe even seen a few grand plans take off. Some of them soar, some of them hover for a while. Most of them slowly, or quickly, settle back to the ground.

A lot has changed and a lot of internet dreams have yet to come true. Here’s a good overview of the latest thinking in the new, more social world of SEO and how you can stay afloat in it. You may even soar with the eagles.

Read the full article here:

How to Put Your Small Business on the Web – SEO Theory

How to Grow in Your Small Business

Growing your business means you’ve got to grow yourself too. You’ve got to break out of the box, and at the same time, carefully compartmentalize and delegate lots of non-essential tasks.

Fortunately, there’s a massive wealth of experience and advice that let’s you take the next step with confidence. Breaking it all down was the tough part. Now let’s see what you can put back together.

Read the full article here:

How to Grow in Your Small Business – Small Business Trends

Why Online Reputation Matters to Small Business

Any disconnect between your corporate and brand reputation triggers a sharp consumer reaction, especially for smaller businesses. Even if your product or service is excellent and you’re doing everything else right, if the image you’re presenting on the internet is anything less than stellar, the impact on your business can be significant.

Take a closer look at managing that reputation, and stay on top of it. Here’s a good place to start.

Read the full article here:

Why Online Reputation Matters to Small Business – Small Business Trends

8 Video Marketing Strategies for Small Business – A SPN Exclusive Article

Using video for business can vary from the stylish, simple and the interesting to the artsy and the complex. But the greatest types of video for Small Business owners can be created affordably and with little waiting time.

These 8 important sub-genres should be considered with the careful attention to detail of the editing process itself. They’re easy and they’re more important than ever.

Read the full article here:

8 Video Marketing Strategies for Small Business – A SPN Exclusive Article – Site Pro News

8 Small Business Social Media Tips From the Pros

Small Business and Social Media should go together like bread and butter. So why do so many smaller business struggle and fail so spectacularly?

These 8 tips highlight the right steps and the way to go, in contrast to whatever your first impulse might have been.

Read the full article here:

8 Small Business Social Media Tips From the Pros – Social Media Examiner

Small Businesses and Local Search Marketing

New customers are never going to find you by searching for your business name. More likely, they’ll be typing a location, the service, or some of the features of your business. That’s the name of the game with local search marketing.

Yet you’ll still be surprised by the sheer number of pitfalls that confront anyone trying to get their own business found on the internet. Here’s the complete guide for any small business hoping to make it with Local Search.

Read the full article here:

Small Businesses and Local Search Marketing – Site Pro News